Art from Screaming Dove Studios

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Satchel, bees and a bit of weaving

This is a bit of weaving that I did for the front of a card. The strips are about 1/2 inch wide so you can get the idea of how big or rather small it is. Lots of hand stitching on it and then the background is watercolor paper that i painted with acrylic paint.

Poor, poor Satchel. When Jerry came home from work last night he went out and did his usual meet and greet with Satchel, came in the house and we heard this noise outside. Went out and Satchel had broken a water pvc pipe, water all over the patio. We turned the water off and then looked at Satchel. His eyes were swelling and as we examined him they were swelling more and more. I went in and called the vet and they were closing in 5 minutes.....she agreed to stay so we could bring him immediately. We threw him in the car and drove like crazy to the vet's office. While driving, his eyes swelled up until they were closed, his upper lips swelled and were hard and his ears swelled and were hard. He was getting worse and worse the closer we got to the vet's office. Finally got there and Jerry carried him in and she knew immediately what had happened. He had been stung by a bee. She gave him two shots and we brought him home. He started to improve almost immediately. Poor baby, he looked like a shar pei, all swollen and wrinkled. Fortunately it turned out to be a good story and the sting didn't effect his breathing. And this morning he is back to normal and I'm sure doesn't remember any of it.


  • At 9:32 PM, Blogger Lori S-C said…

    oh, my goodness! Poor Satchel. ANd it is so hard not to laugh when you see the pictures. Laughing only is okay when you know he is over it...
    Puppies are a handful, aren't they?

  • At 9:33 PM, Blogger Lori S-C said…

    I forgot to ask you if you are thinking of going to AFF this year? Classes are posted.

  • At 7:21 AM, Blogger Zardo and Odraz said…

    Hi Lori, Satchel really is a handful but brings so much joy into our lives. And thankfully he has completely recovered. Yes, we laugh about it now....a lot.
    Won't be able to make it to AFF this year. Are you going? what classes are you taking if so.

  • At 8:01 AM, Blogger Bev said…

    Your story here about Satchel reminds me of an emergency vet trip we made with our black lab -- she chewed up an ant trap -- also a very bad thing!

    aren't labs a blast!!


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