Art from Screaming Dove Studios

Friday, October 26, 2012

What is on my work table now.....

 The two of these are works in progress.  They are assemblages using antique car parts and odds and ends that I have found around our property and gathered when I am out and about.  For those that look at these and collect Model A and Model T parts you will recognize the base of the body as a Model A piston and the rod coming out of the body as the connecting rod.  Everything that is put on the base is wired onto it.
 I have no idea what the face is I just really liked the look of it.  And since most of this has been sitting outside the rust is real.  The patina on the spring is the way I found it.  The very top is the top of a decanter.  They don't have names yet as they have not come alive and told me who they are yet.
 This guy is coming along very well.  His mouth is a found seed pod.  Jerry and I were in San Luis Obispo and under a tree were a lot of seed pods.  Needless to say I gathered a bunch of them and now cannot remember for the life of me just where I put the others.  Oh well, they will turn up eventually.
 A closer look of the face shows tiny lights for eyes and a closer look of the seed pod mouth

 I think that the side view really shows the mouth off better.
 And an antique broken door handle as part of the body.  I will show more as they progress!

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