Art from Screaming Dove Studios

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

boys birthdays

The boys birthdays are 11 years and 2 days apart so we celebrate with one big dinner!  Here is Scott with his fiance Liz.
 And Kyle with his wife Jessy.  It was wonderful to have everyone at the table.

cardboard sculpture

The first project we did in sculpture class was with cardboard.  I did a lot of eye rolling when we started this one.  We glued layers and layers of cardboard togetther and then had to come up with a design of what it would be.  
 This is the front of the sculpture
 and this the back.


Jerry and I are taking a throwing class this semester and we are having the bestest time!  It is not nearly as easy as the teacher makes it look.  The first class we struggled to get the clay centered.  Once we got over that hurdle the struggle was how to make something that actually looks like something.  Here are some cups and bowls that I made.


 And here are jerry's cups and bowls!  The teacher and everyone in the class make it such fun.

typewriter sculpture #1

one of the assignments for sculpture class was to take something apart and make it into something else. I chose an old Underwood typewriter to take apart.  There are MILLIONS of pieces in a typewriter! And when the typewriter is from the 30's the screws are not easy to get out.
 I used the frame work of the typewriter as the substrate on this piece adding buts and pieces with wire as I went along.

 Here is the back of the piece which is just as lovely as the front.

 and a side view

typewriter sculpture

This is the second sculpture I made from the typewriter pieces and parts.  This one has a canvas substrate which I glued torn pages from a book to create texture on the canvas.  Then I dulled down the white book pages with titan buff and paynes grey acrylic paint.
 The area surrounding the face was darkened with charcoal which made the face stand out much more
 along the frame work of the canvas I cut slits and inserted the typewriter keys.

 At the bottom I hung the strike keys with thread.

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