Art from Screaming Dove Studios

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


With it being so cold outside Satchel has been hanging out in the house with me. He has become a huge couch dog.

new rug on loom

Almost done with this one. I love the colors and this one I get to keep!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Leetle Pillows

Just finished these little pillows. They are going to four friends, unstuffed. These were such fun to do.

Monday, December 15, 2008

THis year we are not going to kill a tree and drag it into our house. Instead I pulled out the little alumium tree that my mother always put up in the bathroom at christmas time. I have no idea where the tree originated from, it was just always there. My parents lived in Europe for awhile and it may very well have come from there. The little angels are so sweet and also came from my mother. The little tree makes me very happy.

Friday, December 12, 2008

keeping busy

So while Jerry was gone I stayed busy making a rug on the loom and piecing a pillow top together. This is the first time I have tried doing the log cabin type of quilting. I started off following the directions but once I got going I just started doing it my own way. So if anyone sees this they will know that this isn't a true log cabin quilt. But I made it as a gift and made it my own way, not to be put into a contest to be judged. I like the way it turned out and that I all that matters. The rug will also be a gift. Need to finish it up and get it off the loom.

the twins

Jerry just took a quick trip up to Seattle to visit with his twin brother Randy. Randy is leaving next week for Iraq and will be there for about 6 months. He is in the Air Force reserves and his unit has been called up. I don't know how Cathy, his wonderful wife, does it. She has had both of her sons on tours in Iraq and now her husband is going. I just don't think that they should be sending 54, almost 55, year old men over there. But then again I don't think that they should be sending 18 year old young men over there either. I guess I just don't want anyone going over there and just let them figure out their problems by themselves without our help. Randy, you will be greatly missed, keep your head down and your ass out of the line of fire.

new rain boots

These are the coolest rainboots ever. When I take Satchel out for his morning walk in the field I have been coming back with wet, cold, dirty shoes because I have been going out in my tennis shoes. Then I found these....aaahhhhh. Warm, dry, clean feet!! I love them. And they are so comfortable.

red sky at morning sailors take warning

Amazing sunrise the other morning. This is the view I get to see from my kitchen window. I am so fortunate.


I cannot believe it has been this long since I have posted. Thanksgiving has come and gone and I am so done with turkey. No more turkey until next year. Kyle was able to come home for a few days and be here for the dinner. We had a full table which I just love. Scott, Angela, Kyle, Jerrya nd I. Good food, good wine, family....a perfect evening.

Kyle will be home again on Dec 20 for the holiday break. He has been having a little bit of a problem with the army. He has been sleep walking since he was little. The doctors said that he would outgrow it. He didn't. When he joined the army and told them about it the recruiter didn't seem bothered about this so he enlisted. At bootcamp he started sleepwalking again. People there knew about it and they didn't do anything about it. So he graduated from bookcamp and infantry training. He is now at Ft. Carson Colorado and he slept walked out of his room and finally woke up about 1/4 mile away, in the snow, with only his underwear on. He ran back to the barracks and got back inside. So he sees the doctor and explains all this to him and he will be seeing a neurologist on Monday. He is scheduled for deployment in May and I don't see how he can get sent to Afganistan if he is sleep walking. He is going to do this in the field and get not only himself but his entire unit killed. This is not acceptable. If he goes out on an honorable discharge that would be just find. He can come home and start all over again.
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