Art from Screaming Dove Studios

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I can't seem to stop making these chicken pin cushions. They are so cute and simple. I painted/dyed the fabric and the the swirls on the fabric are lumiere metalic paint. They are stuffed and then I put beans into the bottom to add weight. Love them!!

jerry's finished art

Here are the pieces that jerry finished during our paint play day.

Art Play Day

Last Friday Jerry and I had a paint play day in the back yard. We each had a table to work on and I had gessoed several pieces of red rosin paper. We got out the acrylics and just played. Here are some photos of Jerry playing.

The one above is the piece that I played with

Art Play

Iron Wing Sold!!!

I was contacted by Iron Wing Studios, which is a recording studio in Georgia, because they were interested in my piece Iron Wing. He saw the piece on my blog and wanted to buy it. After some negotiating we agreed upon a price and the piece has been shipped to him. I sold a piece to a recording studio in Georgia!!!! This was very exciting. Here is a picture of Iron Wing. It is made of metal and is a repousse piece.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Apparently water tastes better if it is in the very bottom of a glass and you have to shove your entire face down into the glass to get to it. Jazz loves her water like this.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Birthdays finally over

Two cakes and many gifts later the birthdays are over with. Here is a photo of Scott and Angela with Kyle and myself. We took the boys out for sushi on Thursday night to celebrate both birthdays. There was so much food on the table we had to drag another table over to accomodate all the plates. Mocha cake for Scott and German Chocolate for Kyle.
On Friday Jerry and I met with Kyle's army recruiter to go over all the paperwork for him to join the army. This is something that I do not agree with at all but I have to think of him and what he wants and not what I want. He has wanted to join the army for many years now and yesterday he left for los angeles to go through the medical part of it. He will finish his senior year and about two weeks after that he will be off to boot camp. Of course I want him to stay in his room until he is very very old so I can watch over him and make sure that nothing bad happens to him but reality is that he has to have a life of his own. Reality sucks big time.
He is due home tonight sometime. I'm sure that he will arrive home starving and tired.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The boys

On Thursday Scott will be 28 and on Saturday Kyle will be 17. I was only 22 when I had Scott and I grew up as he grew up. Jerry was away on a lot of TDY's when Scott was little so it was just Scott and I a lot of the time. This beautiful red head child has grown into a very handsome man. My fondest memory of Scott is when he was sitting on his toy box in a diaper and blue tshirt with his hair a mass of curls, just wild and he is grinning from ear to ear. There is something very special about your first born. And then 11 years later I had Kyle. Yes, the same father. I get asked that question all the time and then the rude question of "was he planned". Yes, he was planned, he was planned for a long time, it just took me 7 years to get pregnant. It is amazing the questions people will ask you. And it is usually asked by people who really don't know me because the people who really know me know how it was trying to get pregnant and how many home pregnancy tests I took and how depressed I would get each month when I would get my period. And I calmly answer these stupid people's questions as best as I can instead of spewing "It's none of your fucking business". Kyle was my miracle baby because I thought I would never get pregnant again. I didn't do the fertility drug thing, just the old fashion way. Kyle was due on Scott's birthday but we wanted Scott to have his birthday to be his so we scheduled Kyle's birth to be on the 13th. Yes, I could do this because he was a scheduled C section. Scott was a C section so they went ahead and scheduled Kyle to be one too. I will never forget the sound of Kyle crying when they took him out of me. When I heard that I knew that he was okay. This time Jerry was there with me, they wouldn't let Jerry be there for Scott, and he was able to carry Kyle into the room where they clean him up. I was completely out of it for awhile because they tied my tubes after that. When I woke up I was in this beautiful private room with a brass basinette and Kyle in the thingy they put the babies in. I am sure that there is a technical word for this thing but I have no idea what it is. For some reason I refused to let them take him to the nursery. I was sure that he was going to get switched with another baby or stolen or something. Drugs do strange things to your brain. So I kept him in the room with me at all times. I was in there for 3 days since he was a C section. Once home Scott was such a big help to me. Since he was 11 he could help me with Kyle a lot. My favorite memory of Kyle was when he was about 2 and he is wearing his yellow footed zip up the front pjs, he is in the kitchen carrying Jerry's large grey lunch box with one of his feet in his one of Jerry's boots. I loved it when he would wake up from a nap, come out of his room with his cheeks still pink from napping and be so warm and with blankie in tow would curl up on the couch with me. Just a few minutes of snuggle time before he was off and running.
These two boys are so different from each other. You would think they had different parents. But they are our boys and they carry a piece of each of us in them. Happy Birth Day Scott and Kyle. We love you.

Rosie - the skunk

This apparently is our newest pet. She/he, we have no idea about the sex - I envision her as a girl and she will bring her babies around to eat at night -----started arriving a couple weeks ago and she is sharing Mysh's food, or rather Mysh is sharing his food with her. Our 9 year old neighbor Bridget has named her Rosie. And Mysh is kind enough to share his food with another cat that has adopted us which we have named Bull because he is built like a pit bull. Now before everyone gets all freaked out because we are feeding a skunk etc, you must keep in mind that we live in the country so in actuality we are living in the skunks home along with the bob cats, raccoons, opossoms, coyotes and the cougar that arrives once a year to have her babies in the area. The food dish is in the driveway right outside the front door so we can just open the door and see her out there eating.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Finally better

I am finally feeling normal...or whatever normal is. But at least I am no longer in pain. They arn't sure but they think that the first pain was a kidney stone which I eventually passed and the second pain which ended me in the ER at midnight was my sciatica (sp?) was pinched and there was pain shooting down both legs. Finally got some pain pills that worked so I could actually sleep at night and finally whatever was pinching it let go and the pain went away. Bodies are so weird. So for now i am just rejoicing over the fact that I am not in pain....except for the giganic bruise across my left breast and my broken sunglasses......I am such an idiot. Jerry and I went to the apple farm to of course get apples......wonderful apples mind you. On the drive home which is about 45 mintues I had to pee...really really bad. I had him pull off the freeway because I saw a Vons grocery store and new they had a bathroom. I am concentrating on not peeing my pants and saw that the door was is one of those automatic doors that opens when you get close to it.....but this one was open toward me, not away from me. So I go to walk through it only to realize that it is the exit door and it is closing and I smack my face - broken sunglasses - and my left breast right into the edge of the door. I am sure that this provided much entertainment for the checkers and people at the check out because it was right in front of them but I couldn't pay any attention to any of this because I had to find the bathroom fast. Which I did....just in time. Broken and bruised I finally got back to the car and home. I am such a klutz. It is amazing that I can walk and talk at the same time. I did learn this morning tho that I cannot run on a treadmill and close my eyes. Makes me off balance and I almost fell off the treadmill. sheesh
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