Art from Screaming Dove Studios

Friday, July 27, 2007

new shorts!!!

Finally, I have time to take a breath and post something new. I have been trying to get us ready for vacation. I swear there is more work getting everything ready to go than it is worth. I would love to go on a vacation someday where someone else:

made the reservations

serviced the car

bought all the snacks for the car

made sure the bills were paid

did the laundry on vacation

made the gifts to give to the people you will see

It is exhausting. And to add to all the craziness I decide that Jerry needs new shorts to wear. He did not ask for these but I decide that he NEEDS them and no I cannot simply go out and buy him new shorts. Where in the world am I going to find lime shorts for him in this town? No where. Brown, this town sells brown and khaki shorts. I had lime material up in teh barn and here are his new shorts. And as it turns out they also fit me!! Unisex shorts.

Monday, July 09, 2007

artful mess

What a mess I have created on the coffee table. I looked at this this morning and realized that I have three projects going here. I am finishing up painting the leather purse that Rice sent to me, the black piece is a top of some jeans that I am making into a purse and the seafoam green one is a backpack that I am embellishing. Will post pictures of all three when they are finished. I wish I could just do one thing at a time but that simply doesn't seem possible.
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