Art from Screaming Dove Studios

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

little fabric hearts

Once a year there is an Open Studios Tour where different artists open their homes/studios for the public to see. I have always gone on the tours to see the different places but have not participated as an artist. This year I will be participating! The event is in June and my friend Dale Cornwell will be one of the hosts and there will be about five or so artists at her house. This is a great group of women and it will be a fun day. So in the mean time I have been keeping my hands busy with the pin cushions and these fabric hearts. The plan is to have a bunch of them to sell at the open studios tour.

Monday, March 16, 2009

foot healing!!

My foot is healing really really well. I have been good, wearing the stupid ugly shoe, resting my foot and letting it heal and for those of you who know me.....that wasn't an easy thing to do. But I did it and it is healing. So yesterday I was able to get out in the field on the lawn tractor and mow the field. My left foot does nothing on the tractor so I was able to just sit there and mow and mow and mow. I got about 1/2 of the 6 acres done and by the time I returned to the house I was covered with dirt from head to toe, sun kissed from a beautiful day, and physically tired. It felt soooo good. If I had to stay in the house, sitting on the futon, stitching, one more day I may have gone stark raving mad. Jerry was on the big tractor so we were both out in the field on our respective tractors working. Since his tractor is much bigger than mine he is really sore and achy.......I on the other hand just feel really good, not sore at all. He hates that. snort.

Friday, March 06, 2009

pretty little pin cushions

So while I have been recouping I made some pretty little pin cushions. They are made of felt and hand embroidered. They are wonderfully soft and squishy. as soon as I get my etsy site up and running they are going to go on it. I am so thankful that I have something to do while I am sitting here waiting for my foot to heal.

jazz and gracie

Jazz and Gracie, sisters, playing nice with each other for once.

Monday, March 02, 2009

foot surgery

I've had the ganglion in my left foot removed.....finally after 10 years of pain. I have no idea what it is like to walk without pain. When the xrays showed that it had caused fractures, well, it was time to have it removed. Went in on Friday morning and had it done. Now those of you who know me know that I am not very good at following doctor's directions when it comes to recovery. BUT I am doing everything that I am supposed to do this time and not doing the things that I am not supposed to other words I am following the doctors orders. 3 days with my foot elevated, ice on, ice off, getting up only to go to the bathroom. Today I get to walk around the house a bit. It will feel good to actually get up and move around. I am not one to just sit around so this has been hard for me. Thankfully I prepped a lot of hand work to do during this time period so at least my hands have been busy which is a life saver. And Jerry has taken time off of work to be here with me and he has been fabulous. I don't know what I would have done without his help. And his cooking is wonderful. Saturday night was seared ahi, brown rice and roasted broccoli, last night was grilled rib eye, salt rubbed baked potato and sauteed garlic ginger green beans. I am so very spoiled and I know it and appreciate it every single day. I will let my body heal and follow the doctors orders........
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