Saturday, February 24, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sun printing!!!
The kid is driving.......
So now kyle has his license. He thinks that now he can drive anywhere and everywhere but for right now he thinks he can do this in MY car. His car, a 1995 Saturn SL2, needed stuff done on it before he could drive it. The windshield had a long crack in it, that mysteryously appeared sometime in the past month. The car has been sitting in the front of our house for years and now there is a broken windshield. I got that fixed. I have it in nonop with the DMV so I have to get it smogged before i can get it re-registered. I go to the dreaded DMV and get my number so I can get a move permit to take it for the smog. It passes the smog on Presidents Day so I figure I will go to AAA and get it registered. I am thinking that I am very clever going there instead of the DMV because the line won’t be as long. Not remembering it is Presidents Day - it is closed. Back home. Tuesday I go back to AAA and get it registered and only had to wait five minutes. I am thrilled. Kyle gets home and I present him with the sticker for his car. He is so excited he is doing a happy dance all over the kitchen and hugging me like mad. I need pickles for potato salad and send him up to Albertsons to get some - in his car. He drives away, waving out the window. He has my cell phone just in case he needs me. He calls......I was dreading this. The car won’t start. Jerry has gone to town to get stuff so I it only me to deal with this. I drop everything and go to the parking lot. He is right, the car won’t start. I put him in my car and come home and wait for jerry. They go back to the parking lot and try to get the car started. They now think it is the alternator sucking the life out of the car and that is why it won’t start. It is now getting dark and we need to get the car out of the parking lot. Jerry hooks up the car trailer and back we all go to get the car. As we are pushing the car onto the car trailer, with me steering, I hear this big BANG. The car is too low for the car trailer and we have now ran it into the trailer. The car goes back into the parking space and I call a tow truck. Jerry and Kyle take the truck and trailer home and I wait for the tow truck. It is freezing outside. He finally shows up and takes the car home. So now I am getting quotes for parts and for repair costs. I remember doing this with Scott when he was driving too. Aaaaaaauuuuuuggggggg.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
he has his license.....ack
Yesterday Kyle got his drivers license. But he almost didn't. First of all he was to take his test two weeks ago but he had the flu and had to change the appointment. Then we went yesterday. We got there early, thank goodness, because when we got up to the counter they asked for the yellow paper that says he took drivers education. I looked at Kyle and he looked at me and neither of us had it. I gave the woman behind the counter, who I am sure hates her job and when she gets off work he goes home to hell, a begging look upon which she told me that I had to be back with the yellow paper by 4 or I would have to reschedule. He and I ran out of the DMV, got into the car and I drove like a bat outta hell to the house. Kyle's job was to look for cops while my job was to drive like a bat outta hell. We ran into the house, and thank the goddess I knew where the yellow piece of paper was (which was a miracle in itself), grabbed the paper and jumped back into the car and once again drove like a bat outta hell. We literally ran into the dmv to the counter. We were five mintues late and the hell dwelling woman told us we were late and would have to reschedule. I looked at the clock and back at her and was prepared to start crying when another woman walked up and told us to come down to her station. She apparently doesn't live in hell and she took all of our information and off he went with the driving inspector to take his test. And he passed!!!!! He is now a legal CA driver. I don't know if i should be scared outta my wits or glad that I don't have to schlep him everywhere.